Yale XTC Fire Rope Lanyard

Yale XTC Fire Rope Lanyard

$87.75 inc GST
$70.83 inc GST

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Yale XTC Fire Rope Lanyard with eye

A rope lanyard made from Yale’s 16 strand XTC Fire. It has a MAX (Machine Assisted XTC) certified spliced eye at one end and has a serial number. Coloured red, orange and yellow so you won’t lose it in a hurry or confuse it with your climbing line. Excellent for use with the ISC Micrograb or ART Positioner.


Key Features

  • Professional grade
  • Smoother cover runs well through cammed devices
  • Tightest cover braid in the industry

XTC 16 is a tight braid consisting of 16 individual strands of polyester. A high-twist core of torque-balanced polyester keeps the construction firm and round, providing an extra measure of safety.
XTC 16 is an excellent choice for both climbing line and bull rope due to its no snagging, abrasion-resistant construction and excellent energy absorption characteristics.

XTC 16 Fire

Hi-visibility – now introducing the highest-visibility climbing line ever seen in the industry. Fire is specifically designed for the demanding needs of arborists, embodying the same characteristics of XTC 16 ropes Yale has made for the last two decades.




Product  Diameter Average
Break Strength*
Suggested Design 
Factor** 10:1
XTC Fire 11.7mm 2,812kg 281kg 11.2kg/100m


* Average break strength is based on spliced rope or capstans samples. Knots and abrupt bends significantly      
   reduce the strength of all ropes and lower the design factor

** Suggested design factor is based on static or moderately dynamic lifting/pulling operations.
   Instantaneous changes in load, up or down, in excess of 10% of the rope’s suggested design factor
   constitute hazardous shock load and would void the suggested design factor recommendation. The end
   user is responsible for choosing the correct design factor specific to their application.




XTC 16 meets:
CE0120 EN1891 Type-A